Greiving in our elderly patients & AMP group practice support

The elderly experience loss and grief as they begin to have a diminished ability in activities of daily living. This then can cause the elderly to lose a sense of purpose. Many elderly also have difficulty when they can no longer live independently.
Dr Helen our Lady Doctor in our Surgery will be altruistically be holding a Free support & management for such Elderly patients on Saturdays once a month ( sadly NHS does not fund it )who have lost a loved one & may struggle to attend national charities who offer support
Older adults are more likely to become physically ill after a loved one dies. It is important that the bereaved older adult maintain contact with their healthcare providers. Older adults often lack the support systems they had in their younger years.
Please contact our practice to book an appointment
It’s one of its kind to our knowledge and we are keen to support our community.
If you also have elderly relatives who may not need the counselling but need a call to discuss general well being please contact the surgery & ask for a Proactive care appointment please